Flyers & Brochures

At Jiffy Print, we design and print quality, eye-catching flyers and brochures. We are proud to produce high-quality designs and products for competitive prices – we challenge you to find a company that can offer cheaper prices for premium quality flyer and brochure printing. We are also thrilled to offer our customers a quick turnaround time, with same day brochure and flyer printing available to satisfy any urgent advertising deadlines.

We will happily take on any job, whether it involves printing a handful of flyers or brochures to hand out in your local area or whether you’re interested in large quantity, commercial printing.

Printing Flyers

Printing Brochures

Flyers have been used to promote business and events since the very beginning of printing, and their effectiveness is still undeniable. At Jiffy, we can print flyers of various different sizes and on different types of paper. We also offer our customers a plain, glossed or laminated finish, which you may select depending on your overall vision and method of distribution.

Brochures are a classic marketing weapon for a reason. They are an efficient way of getting important information about your business directly in the hands of potential consumers. We can help you to choose from various different sizes, paper types and folding patterns, depending on the information you want to convey.

We are proud to offer a speedy turnaround time for brochure printing, which is particularly valuable when you have a fast-approaching event or deadline, or if you don’t want to miss the opportunity to distribute your brochures in a high-trafficked area.

Why use flyers & brochures?

Printed flyers and brochures are a simple and affordable form of advertising ideal for reaching customers who may otherwise not hear about your business, for example, through social media or online ads. Below are some of the other benefits of using printed flyers and brochures:

  • By controlling distribution, you can easily focus on reaching your target audience or if desired, reach a wide variety and large number of people in different locations; 
  • You can reach a lot of people with minimal effort by handing out flyers and brochures in high traffic areas, or by including them in sales kits; 
  • People may pay more attention to advertising if it’s tangible, as opposed to an online ad they can easily scroll past;
  • Printed flyers in particular are a notoriously cheap but nevertheless effective form of advertising for businesses;
  • While some forms of advertising may be more suitable to certain businesses, printed flyers and brochures are versatile and can be used effectively in any industry;
  • Brochures allow you to provide important details about your services and products without overwhelming people with information;
  • By printing and distributing flyers and brochures, you allow potential consumers to pass them on to family and friends who they believe may be interested in your business’ services or products;
  • You can add a QR code to your designs to link directly to additional online information. This is a great way to provide more detail than you would want to cram onto your printed flyers and brochures. Since a QR code can link to an online message, you can easily amend the online message if necessary, without the need to reprint the QR code.

Contact our expert team to discuss your options!